CBS College Program/CBS Research Talent Award

Incoming students joining the CBS College Program Intake 2024

We are pleased to introduce the CBS College Program/Research Talent Challenge, designed for promising students who exhibit academic potential and a dedication to fostering intercultural environments and student living within the CBS.


  • Demonstrated promise and academic potential for Mechanical Engineering (International) studies at KIT, indicated by prior achievements and qualifications.
  • Intent to actively contribute to the CBS College Program, including participation in the Student Association of the International Department (SAID) or similar initiatives, as outlined in the short application essay.
  • Video essay of 5 minutes or less on the topic: of the significance of pursuing Mechanical Engineering (International) studies at KIT of the active role they want to play in the CBS College Program community in supporting their academic and personal growth.

These scholarships aim to support incoming students who not only demonstrate academic promise but also express a dedication to enhancing the cultural and academic landscape of the CBS College Program.

Four Scholarships in the amount of 1,000€ each will be awarded to incoming MEI students who will also be enrolled in the CBS WS 2024/25. Applications for the scholarship will be sent out together with the College Program contracts in May 2024.

Application Period: May 15th - June 30th, 2024

Awards will be awarded during Orientation Week 2024


Instructions for the Video Essay Project

Title: How I Want To Contribute To CBS During my Mechanical Engineering (International) Studies at KIT

Duration: 5 minutes or less

Objective: To explain how I actively want to contribute to the Carl Benz School College Program while studying Mechanical engineering at the KIT


  • Introduction (30 seconds)
    • Opening Greeting: Start with a warm and engaging greeting. Introduce yourself briefly.
    • Brief Overview: Mention the purpose of the video – to explain how you plan to actively contribute to the CBS College Program and the Student Association
  • Academic Contributions (1 minute)
    • Interest in Mechanical Engineering: Explain your passion for mechanical engineering and why you chose to study at the KIT.
    • Academic Goals: Share your academic goals and how they align with the CBS College Program.
    • Innovative Ideas: Highlight any innovative ideas or projects you want to pursue that could benefit the program.
  • Contribution to the CBS Community (1 minute)
    • Active Participation: Discuss how you plan to participate in CBS activities, seminars, and workshops.
  • Involvement in Student Association (1 minute)
    • Cultural Activities: Talk about your interest in fostering an intercultural environment through the Student Association.
    • Event Organization: Share ideas for organizing cultural events, workshops, or discussion groups that promote diversity and inclusion.
  • Personal Skills and Qualities (1 minute)
    • Leadership Skills: Highlight your leadership skills and any past experience in student organizations or community service.
    • Communication Skills: Mention your strong communication skills and how they will help in effectively participating and contributing to the Student Association activities.
    • Teamwork: Emphasize your ability to work well in teams and your enthusiasm for collaborative projects.
  • Conclusion (30 seconds)
    • Recap: Briefly recap your key points on how you will contribute to the CBS College Program and the Student Association
    • Closing Statement: End with a positive note, expressing your excitement and readiness to be an active member of the CBS community.
    • Thank You: Thank the viewers for their time and consideration.

Additional Guidelines:

  • Keep the video concise and focused, aiming for a duration of 5 minutes or less.
  • Use clear and engaging language to convey ideas effectively.
  • Incorporate visuals, graphics, or other multimedia elements to enhance the presentation.
  • Ensure audio and video quality for a seamless viewing experience.
  • Review and edit the video essay for claritiy, coherence, and professionalism before submission. 
  • Upload your video here and name it as follows: last name_first name_date


CBS Research Talent Award Application

The registration period is expired. (2024-01-01 00:00:00 - 2024-06-30 00:00:00)