Excellence University
On July 19, 2019 the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) was successful in the funding line of “Universities of Excellence” in the Excellence Strategy competition launched by the Federation and the Federal States. The concept “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association I Living the Change” will now be granted funding. This concept has made KIT one of eleven Universities of Excellence selected for funding by the Excellence Commission from a total of 19 proposals.
As the Mechanical Engineering College of the KIT, we are proud to be part of the University of Excellence!
Read the original press release from the KIT.
Take a look at our history and rankings!

The Carl Benz School of Engineering is very proud to be named after Carl Benz, the inventor of the automobile. We as CBS aim to educate bright engineers to follow in this footsteps in a successful career.
Read more on our history

As the Mechanical Engineering College of the KIT, Carl Benz School offers teaching at the highest academic level. The exceptional quality of both research and teaching at KIT is repeatedly proved by different international rankings.
Take a look at our rankings